Monday, March 2, 2009

Yet Another Blown Opportunity

Dan (yes, you Snyder),

You are a very little man. You are a very little feeble man. You are a very little feeble man with the football intelligence of a girl scout!

It is absolutely amazing how with such staggering financial wealth, you can somehow still manage to be so unbelievably flat out stupid. At least with football, which is all we care about. You must have surrounded yourself with nothing but 'Yes Men' (insert Vinny Cerrato here) in your office because anyone with real football knowledge and just a little bit of guts would tell you pipe down, sit back and watch an expert build a football team.

Have you ever heard the expression 'Safety in numbers'? Have you ever heard of a football team called the Patriots? You might also recall that team we seem to keep playing every year in New York that dresses in blue. Instead of ritually signing only 1 or 2 big name players to absurd contracts every 3-4 years making it impossible to sign quality players to fill other badly needed positions, you could sign 4 high quality well above average players and still leave us flexibility in case something comes up with the draft or with injuries.

For all intensive purposes, with the exception of DE Andre Carter, we need an entirely new defensive line. Let's take a quick look at what is and what could have been.

Here is who we signed:
  • DT Albert Haynesworth - $16 million/year
Here is who we could have signed:
  • DT Rocky Bernard, Seattle - $4 million/year
  • DT/DE Chris Canty, Dallas - $7 million/year
  • SLB Michael Boley, Atlanta - - $5 million/year
  • Grand Total: $16 million/year
That is 1 proven veteran DT age 30, 1 young up-and-coming versatile player that can play either DT or DE age 26, and young up-and-coming LB age 26.

At least, Dan, you don't have to worry about spending another $16 million on these 3 guys because the Giants already signed them and they didn't even need defensive line help nearly as bad as we do.

Now, picture this.

Redskins Problem: Albert Haynesworth gets hurt and is out for the year.
Redskins Result: Oh, crap. Call the Handsome brothers.

Giants Problem: Rocky Bernard gets hurt and is out for the year.
Giants Result: Barry Coefield and Fred Robbins step up and Chris Canty helps fill in

I don't know how you managed to pull off your millions Danny Boy, but from everything you have shown Redskins fans since you bought our beloved team, I can assure you it was a fluke.

Washington Redskins Hog Blog

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